Brain Health
Made Simple
We're reducing the risk of Alzheimer's
disease one habit at a time
of worldwide dementia cases
could be prevented
—Lancet Commission on Dementia Prevention, Intervention, and Care (2024)

of worldwide dementia cases
could be prevented

—Lancet Commission on Dementia
Prevention, Intervention, and Care (2024)
A mobile tool to identify and manage your Alzheimer's risk factors

Multi-domain lifestyle changes based on clinically proven science

Custom recommendations are tailored to individual medical history and lifestyle

Time-sensitive support messaging makes goals achievable

“I like the positive things you can do to reduce your risk—that’s huge! Like, I didn’t know that you could do anything.”
—Research Study Participant
“Even though it is a very serious disease and a heavy thing that could weigh on your mind, I like the positive info and positive reinforcement of the text messages, whether it’s a reminder or an encouragement.”
—Research Study Participant
“My husband is so interested, he’s exercising with me—a nice side benefit!”
—Research Study Participant
“I was not consistent with exercise, this helped me to do it. I also started to eat more salmon and Greek yogurt. I used to eat ones with fruit and sugar.”
—Research Study Participant
“I’m very motivated, seeing how my father is at end-stage dementia. I don’t want to put anyone in the caretaker position.”
—Research Study Participant
“I’ve really enjoyed interacting with the software platform. I’ve already been able to make positive strides in the area of healthy diet, and maintaining and growing social relationships.”
—Research Study ParticipantWhat can Retain Health do for You?

Build Brain-Healthy HabitsGet your RetainYourBrain™ Score to assess your current brain health
Ease worries about Alzheimer’s. The disease develops over 20+ years, a window of opportunity to slow progression
Make personalized brain-healthy lifestyle changes, with guided support, that can impact top risk factors for dementia

Health Plans
Reduce Rising CostsOffer a safe and accessible tool for early intervention
Empower members at risk of dementia to make evidence-based lifestyle changes that address important risk factors
Mitigate the skyrocketing financial impact of Alzheimer’s while bending the cost curve on associated vascular and cardiometabolic conditions

Enhance Employee BenefitsExpand commitment to long-term health and well-being of employees and their families
Support the 1 in 5 employees who provide eldercare, a group with heightened concern about developing dementia
Improve productivity with an engaging tool that facilitates a healthy lifestyle

Empower Patients to Address Risk FactorsOffer an evidence-based tool to patients identified with elevated risk for dementia
Provide a pathway to preventive health habits
Bring cost-effective education and daily behavioral guidance to a broad population

Improve Patient Outcomes and Treatment ValueOffer an evidence-based tool to patients identified with elevated risk for dementia
Provide a pathway to preventive health habits
Bring cost-effective education and daily behavioral guidance to a broad population
Key Points: RetainYourBrain™ software tested in large, 6-month study Double-blind, randomized controlled trial (RCT) is evidentiary gold-standard Study concluded October 2024 [...]
Key Points Retain Health software, study covered by CNN “Last Alzheimer’s Patient” also interviews Retain Health cofounder “This is the […]